This was a really good battle. I came in thinking "well who did Richard slaughter this time?" Came out having to listen more to decide if he even won.
Emrox is really great on this battle. He came up with awesome punches that hit hard and direct. After his first verse I thought "damn, Richard is going to have to come really hard to top that."
So Richard starts in and... It's mediocre at best. Clearly Rich didn't care/try for this one because it's really weak compared to what he's capable of. Emrox didn't stutter/stumble at all, what kind of diss was that? Then uses the rest of the verse to give really weak punches. So far Emrox is slaughtering him.
Emrox comes in with the next verse pretty damn hard, with really reasonable attacks. Pretty lame at the end though.
Richard finishes off without even addressing anything that Emrox just rapped about. This was probably something he wrote before even hearing it.
As good as Rich usually is, he absolutely 100% lost this battle. Controversial opinion I know, but I'm already the most hated emcee still in this competition so fuck it. Rich has a good flow for sure, but you need more than flow to win a battle (or at least you should, voters are sheep and they'll follow him regardless of how poor he performs though).
Gotta give it to Emrox. His delivery could use some passion, but his punches hit all the right places and are more than enough to beat someone throwing erratic punches somewhere in the general direction of his opponent.