Obviously this is late as fuck but I never really understood why I lost this battle. Are people just mad that they can't understand faster lyrics and since they don't want to put in the effort, they just say "wow he's really off beat"?
It's pretty fucking pathetic tbh. No matter how many times I've listened to this, I can only hear me bodying the fuck out of GasMasq. I suppose he had a bigger following than me at the time which is why he won, but pure skill he lost.
I suppose it's mostly just a misunderstanding. Some people would think I rap fast because I wanted to have an edge over an opponent, but the truth is that I just had THAT much to say so I figured I'd say it. If you honestly look at this battle, I don't see how anyone could come up with the conclusion that GasMasq won.
A LOT of my songs I've looked back on and gone "wow wtf was I thinking?!" and I have no trouble dissing earlier shit that I did. But I listened to this and I'm like "wow wtf was the CROWD thinking?!!" because most of my battles I didn't even try, this one I did, and he gets completely fucking rekt as a result.